Warwick Arts Centre 17 - 20 October 2018
The Abbey Theatre 11 - 20 February 2016 | The Kennedy Centre 19 - 21 May 2016 | Georgetown Festival, Georgetown Theatre 6 - 7 August 2016 | The Lincoln Centre 9 - 12 November 2016
The Barbican 10 - 21 June 2015
Sydney Festival, Sydney Theatre 13 - 19 January 2014 | World Theatre Festival, Brisbane Powerhouse 11 - 16 Februrary 2014
IETM Dublin 11 - 13 April 2013 | Samuel Beckett Theatre 15 - 20 April 2013 | Edinburgh International Arts Festival, Edinburgh Theatre, 25 - 26 August 2013
Enniskillen International Beckett Fesitval 22 - 26 August 2012 | Brooklyn Academy of Music, New York 19 - 23 December 2012
Project Arts Centre August 2011
Gavin Quinn’s radical production goes further in honoring the spirit of Beckett’s wish, situating the play in the realm of pure imagination.
The New York Times
Winner of Best Sound Design and Best Lighting Design, Irish Times Theatre Awards 2011
Winner of Herald Angel Award at the Edinburgh International Festival 2013
By Samuel Beckett
“Do not imagine, because I am silent, that I am not present.”
A life of unending misery in a world devoid of God, now that’s funny. All That Fall is a multi-layered composition of voices that can be experienced as a black comedy, a murder mystery, a cryptic literary riddle or a quasi-musical score, but that gains from being experienced in Pan Pan’s uniquely atmospheric, theatrically tuned listening chamber.
“Gavin Quinn’s production and Jimmy Eadie’s sound design creates a remarkable aural tapestry that ranges from the actors impersonating doves to a final storm of wind and rain achieves Lear-like proportions.”
Michael Billington, The Guardian
“Beckett wanted the play “to come out of the dark”, and Gavin Quinn’s intriguing installation-style production for Pan Pan Theatre delivers just that. As if to remind of the proximity of death, the audience is seated on cushions embroidered with skulls in individual rocking chairs. Glowing lightbulbs hang above us like pitiless stars. There are no live actors, only voices (and sound and lighting effects), but it always feels bleatingly alive.”
Lyn Gardner, The Guardian
“Irish theatre company, Pan Pan brings this experience to the Seymour centre with their production of Samuel Beckett’s first radio play All That Fall. In doing so they create a truly unique seventy minute theatre experience.”
Ashley Walker, Australian Stage
“The strength of Pan Pan Theatre’s production is that rather than seeking to draw All That Fall back into the traditional space of theatre they break the new work into elements — sound, light, the place of the audience within a space — that remain distinct but act in complementary ways.”
Anthony Ulhmann, The Conversation
“As the show ends, there is silence. Part uncertainty if it is over; part respect for the quiet space Quinn has given to us. After a while, there is a soft clap from a handful of people. I sit a little while longer, wanting to hold on to the stillness and melancholy for just a few minutes more before I step back out into the world.”
Jane Howard, The Guardian Culture Australia
“Just when it seems that there are no new ways to experience theater, the BAM Next Wave Festival finds an innovative company ready to reinvent the communal event. Dublin’s Pan Pan Theatre Company is occupying the new BAM Fishman Space with an immersive and overpowering production of Samuel Beckett’s rarely performed 1957 radio play All That Fall”.
David Sheward, Backstage
“Beckett wanted sound to be the main focus, of course, and asked for all kinds of sound effects that designer Jimmy Eadie abundantly supplies.”
David Finkle, The Huffington Post
“Without live performers, we’re the ones who make this a theatrical occasion: In the half-dark room, we’re all part of the scenery. And it’s fascinating to watch your fellow listeners, haloed by ambient light, hang on Beckett’s words—many of which are about the terrible effects of time on the human body—or ponder his vast silences. The production toys with the borders between inside and outside the mind: As the wry voices sound in the gloom, it’s sometimes as if we’re inside the characters’ heads, or they’re inside ours.”
Jacob Gallagher-Ross, The Village Voice
“This tension is perfectly judged – it is not enough to distract from the fine performances and Beckett’s bleakly funny text, but it is enough to justify the whole idea of listening to them inside a controlled and designed environment.”
Fintan O’Toole, The Irish Times
“Pan Pan provide an experience that is genuinely different from anything you’ll have encountered in the theatre before … Under Gavin Quinn’s direction, the company also provides an excellent performance of the play – perhaps even an exemplary one.”
Patrick Lonergan, Irish Theatre Magazine
Directed by Gavin Quinn
Lighting and set design by Aedín Cosgrove
Sound design by Jimmy Eadie
Production manager: Rob Usher
Produced by Aoife White
Cast: Andrew Bennett, Phelim Drew, John Kavanagh, Áine Ní Mhuirí, Robbie O’Connor, Joey O’Sullivan, David Pearse, Daniel Reardon and Judith Roddy