Theatre Royal 2004 | Traverse Theatre 2004 | Darlington Arts Centre 2004 | Nuffield Theatre 2004 | Cambridge Drama Centre 2004 | Riverside Studios 2004 | Project Arts Centre 2004 | Ludowy Theatre 2004 | Trinity Theatre 2004
Sickeningly clever and superbly executed…. What’s unquestionable is the acting is superb and the cast draw you in…. I urge you to go.
A multimedia co-production of Pan Pan Theatre, Scarlet Theatre & Ludowy Theatre, from a translation of Die Prasidentinnen by Werner Schwab.
Play the TV studio audience and witness the filming of three ageing friends. While unaware of the cameras, the women marvel at the Pope on their scrap heap telly and prattle on about their paltry lives. One is at the mercy of her monstrous son; the other is a martyr to her dirty dog, while the third is a devout toilet cleaner. Fuelled by drink they share a fantasy of a country Gala where each competes for her 15 minutes of fame. But when real life destroys their dream real violence ensues…
“a crackling translation by David Hale…pulsating with Schwab’s absurdist, cruel and deeply scatological world view, and acted with much relish for the grim material – this is the productions impressive heart of darkness.”
The Guardian
“The fantasies of these women – beautifully embodied by Jasmina Daniel, Joanna Brookes and Grainne Byrne – hop from pious banality to touching naivety to shocking obscenity and back. Pan Pan’s Borgesian tunnel of camera lenses and video screens does hold a satirical sting, though: the bracing start of them watching us, watching them, watching us.”
The Irish Times ****
“One of the festival’s most experimental and challenging shows… Schwab would likely have appreciated how this production transforms his play into a reality TV show.”
Irish Independent *****
“Bitingly funny and unsettlingly dark.”
“Cleanliness is next to hilarious in this brush with the reality of TV. Scarlet harnesses this prurient contemporary media staple for its own intellectually provocative and savagely funny ends. Scarlet’s lead actresses deploy the text with relish, grounding the stylised exaggeration of their portrayals in an emotionally nuanced truth…the effect is horrifying and hilarious. As entertainment and social critique The Chair Women is both relevant and laugh-out-loud cruel.”
The Times ****
“Memorable performances”
The Scotsman
Directed by Katarzyna Deszcz
Multimedia and film by Gavin Quinn and Aedín Cosgrove
Set & costume design by Andrzej Sadowski
Lighting design by Mark Dymock
Original sound score by Nigel Piper
Gráinne Byrne, Joanna Brookes, Nina Fog and Dulcie Lewis
Photo by Mark Hartman
Photo by Mark Hartman
Photo by Mark Hartman