Theatre Bonn, Bonn, Germany 12 - 18 June 2018
…provocative, snappy and surreal…They have created an allegory for human existence.
General Anzeiger
After Brave New World (2016) and The Tempest (2017), Pan Pan’s Artistic Directors, Aedín Cosgrove and Gavin Quinn once again collaborate with Theater Bonn on Nō Nō Nō. Together with the German ensemble, they develop a new project that reflects upon the bizarre charms and bitter abysses of our globalised consumer society.
Shortly before the opening of the new Nō Nō Nō supermarket, store manager Olivia has set high goals: to be the ultimate consumer paradise for the customer, marked out by the systematically conditioned friendliness of its employees. But they have yet to be trained – a task that should not be underestimated, especially not when the big day of opening is looming.
In an ode to our lost life, Nō Nō Nō questions the philosophy of the American Dream and goes on the search for the future in a world that is threatened with loud absurdity.
Directed by Gavin Quinn
Designed by Aedín Cosgrove
Dramaturg Elisa Hempnel
Music by Andrew Synnott
Assistant Director Frederick Werth
Assistant Designer Maria Strauch
Cast: Ursula Grossenbacher, Birte Schrein, Manuel Zschunke, Lena Geyer